Awesomenauts Soundtrack
Young Female Voice Actor Singer Rapper performing vocals for soundtracks. Soundtrack Singer Hillary Hawkins is the voice of Dizzy in Romino Games AWESOMENAUTS!

Soundtrack Singer Hillary Hawkins (former Host of Nick Jr. & Radio Disney) is a voice actress, singer, rapper based in Los Angeles, California & New Jersey, USA working with clients worldwide. Hawkins got her start in the entertainment industry when she was just a child actor working for Nickelodeon as the singing voice of Vanessa on "Gullah Gullah Island." Most recently, Hawkins voiced the role of Dizzy in the video game AWESOMENAUTS and also performed lead vocals on the soundtrack. Hawkins is available to act & sing in a variety of accents & dialects & would love to hear from you! CONTACT Hillary regarding your soundtrack today!