#1 Upbeat - ENergetic - Female Singer - Latin Jazz Singer - Youthful - Brazilian Portuguse Vocals
Voice Actress Singer Hillary Hawkins singing "Mas Que Nada" in Brazilian Portuguese. Young Female Singer based in Los Angeles, CA & NJ, USA with home studio available for animation soundtracks, live performances & more!
#2 Excited - Youthful - Brazilian Portuguese - Girl
Young Female Voice Over Talent speaking in Brazilian Portuguese is Voice Actress Hillary Hawkins. Tone: Youthful, Energetic, Fresh, Excited, Upbeat, Happy, Fun!
#3 Singing Voice Over Talent Singer Hillary Hawkins Brazilian Portuguese Jingle Singer
Demo: McDonald's Language: Brazilian Portuguese Voice Talent: Hillary Hawkins
#4 Kid Voices for Bilingual English & Brazilian Portuguese Cartoon
Young Female Voice actor in Bilingual Cartoon Portuguese Kids! All voices Hillary!
#5 Young Girl Singer - Famous Brazilian Portuguese Song performed by Voice Actress Singer Hillary
"Águas de Março" performed by young female vocalist, Hillary. Bossa nova, Música popular brasileira, Lead female vocalist, singing voice actress. Girl Singer.
#6 Bilingual English & Brazilian Portuguese Speaker
6A - Sweet - Bubbly - Energetic - Happy - Youthful - Younger Female Voice
6B - Natural - Strong - Confident - Female Voice - Bilingual Female Voice
#7 Brazilian Portuguese Voice Demos - Hawkins
Brazilian Portuguese Voice Demos in this playlist include happy, upbeat, youthful and sweet voices, including speaking & singing voices, voiced by female voice over talent Hillary Hawkins. Bilingual English & Brazilian Portuguese voice samples are also here! Home Studio!
#8 Sweet Singer Lead Vocalist Brazilian Portuguese
Hillary singing "Aquarela" in Brazilian Portuguese. Young female singer. Sweet. Hillary is interested & available to sing cartoon animation soundtracks & more!
#9 Brazilian Characters (Mother & CHild Voice!!)
Female voice talent Hillary as voice of mother AND voice of child! Character Voices
Excerpt from"Bisa Bia, Bisa Bel" de Ana Maria Machado. Voices = Hillary H.
Versatile, warm, kind, upbeat, energetic, excited, happy, loving (2 for 1!!)
Excerpt from"Bisa Bia, Bisa Bel" de Ana Maria Machado. Voices = Hillary H.
Versatile, warm, kind, upbeat, energetic, excited, happy, loving (2 for 1!!)
#10 Little girl Praying Animation Voice Actor
18+ to play younger voice actress. Voice type: sweet, innocent, childlike voice, Christian Voice Actress available for cartoon, animation, voice overs, Portuguese.
#11 Hill also Speaks English! OneHope Brazil VoiceOver
Brazilian Portuguese documentary with English overdub, Christian Female Voice
#12 Young Adult Singer Child Teen Young Girl Voice
18+ to play younger female vocalist available for Latin Jazz, Bossa Nova, Brazilian Portuguese songs, jingles, soundtracks! Childlike Voice, animated, sweet, fun!
Listen Here (Voice Only)
Listen Here (Voice with Music)
an excerpt from "O Menino Maluquinho” de Ziraldo. Young female voice is Hillary. Voice Type: Youthful, upbeat, happy, sweet. Voice age: young adult, teen, tween Language: Brazilian Portuguese
Listen Here (Voice Only)
Listen Here (Voice with Music)
an excerpt from "O Menino Maluquinho” de Ziraldo. Young female voice is Hillary. Voice Type: Youthful, upbeat, happy, sweet. Voice age: young adult, teen, tween Language: Brazilian Portuguese
#14 Bilingual AMerican English & Brazilian Portuguese Singer Female Vocals Sultry Smooth
Female Latin Jazz Singer H. Hawkins sings smooth ballad in English & Portuguese.
#15 NEW! Bossa Nova Singer Hillary Hawkins: "A Rã"
Hillary Hawkins is a Bossa Nova Singer, Latin Jazz Singer singing in Brazilian Portuguese with soft sweet smooth vocals!
Hillary Hawkins, Recording Artist, Voice TAlent

Hillary Hawkins, former Host of Nick Jr. & Radio Disney, is a young female voice over artist, commercial voice over talent, animation voice actor & multilingual singer based in Los Angeles, California, USA & New Jersey, USA working with clients worldwide. Voice actress Hillary is a multilingual voice talent booking voiceovers in multiple languages. This page includes a few Brazilian Portuguese voice demos. Obrigada!