Trailer for The Case Files cartoon animation created by social worker voice actor who worked full-time in Child Protective Services, achieved a BA in Creative Writing from Smith College & currently works full-time as a Voice Actor, Hillary Hawkins.
Episode 1: Unresolved Issues...
Hope is on a mission to save the children, including the child she use to be...
THE CASE FILES created by Voice Actress, Animation Screenwriter, Producer Hillary Hawkins. All characters illustrated, animated and voiced by Hillary Hawkins, former Caseworker, former Host of Nick Jr. & Radio Disney.
THE CASE FILES created by Voice Actress, Animation Screenwriter, Producer Hillary Hawkins. All characters illustrated, animated and voiced by Hillary Hawkins, former Caseworker, former Host of Nick Jr. & Radio Disney.
Scenes from the Case Files - S1: Police Report
Voice Actor, Writer, Producer, Illustrator, Animator, Hillary Hawkins
©2017 Hillary Hawkins Production, LLC
©2017 Hillary Hawkins Production, LLC
Scenes From The Case Files - S2: Did you Look?
Created by Voice Actor, Writer, Producer, Illustrator, Animator, Hillary Hawkins
©2017 Hillary Hawkins Production, LLC
©2017 Hillary Hawkins Production, LLC
Scenes from the case files - S3: Talking to God
When you don't know what else to do, you talk to God... - Scenes from The Case Files
Created by Hillary Hawkins, Voice Actor, Writer, Illustrator, Animator, Child of God
Created by Hillary Hawkins, Voice Actor, Writer, Illustrator, Animator, Child of God
Scenes from the CAse Files - S4: I Need Your Help
If someone needed your help, would you help them? Scenes from The Case Files
Created by Hillary Hawkins, Voice Actor, Writer, Illustrator, Animator, Child of God
Created by Hillary Hawkins, Voice Actor, Writer, Illustrator, Animator, Child of God
Scenes from the case files - S5: At the police station
Do you know what it's like? At The Police Station? Scenes from The Case Files, a Hillary Hawkins Cartoon/Animation. ©2017 Hillary Hawkins Production, LLC
About Social Services Cartoons
Our whole goal is to help. We want to help anyone who has ever been through anything to be able to talk about what they're going through. We hope this cartoon/animation helps "break the ice" so that parent and child, boyfriend and girlfriend, girlfriend and girlfriend, sister and brother, little sister and big sister, niece and aunt, cousin and cousins, friends and colleagues can start to talk about their issues... Sit them down and watch a social services cartoon created by Hillary Hawkins Production, LLC. More to come... God Bless.
If you are in need of Cartoons about abuse, cartoons about CPS, Child Protective Services Cartoons, Cartoons by Social Workers, Cartoons about Social Workers, Cartoons about Caseworkers, Cartoons about CPS, Cartoons about children & families, cartoons about abuse and neglect, cartoons that will help people, cartoons about sensitive subjects, cartoons about social issues, cartoons about cases, that's THE CASE FILES. CONTACT
Target Audience: Children, Teens, Young Adults, Families, Anyone & Everyone in need of hugs, love and understanding... We're here for YOU.
If you are in need of Cartoons about abuse, cartoons about CPS, Child Protective Services Cartoons, Cartoons by Social Workers, Cartoons about Social Workers, Cartoons about Caseworkers, Cartoons about CPS, Cartoons about children & families, cartoons about abuse and neglect, cartoons that will help people, cartoons about sensitive subjects, cartoons about social issues, cartoons about cases, that's THE CASE FILES. CONTACT
Target Audience: Children, Teens, Young Adults, Families, Anyone & Everyone in need of hugs, love and understanding... We're here for YOU.