Client: The World Bank Group
Voice Talent: Hillary Hawkins Accent: African Language: English Tone: Upbeat, Professional |
Voice Over: Climate Change Action Plan Delivers $83 Billion and Results
Client: The World Bank
Voice Over Talent: Hillary Hawkins Accent: African Accent / International Sound |
People, Peace, Prosperity: Fighting Poverty in Fragile and Conflict Settings.
Voice Over: The Adaptation Principles: 6 Ways to Build Resilience to Climate Change
Una recuperación sostenible para las personas y el planeta Voice Over Artist Hillary Hawkins @ 23:48
Young female voice over artist with International sound is Hillary Hawkins.
A Sustainable Recovery for People and Planet voice over begins at around 37:22
A Sustainable Recovery for People and Planet voice over begins at around 37:22
Key Green Transitions: How Systems Are Changing for People and Planet | 2021 WBG-IMF Spring Meetings - Voice Over Artist at 26:16 - 28:30
Female Voice Over Artist for the World Bank Group is International Voice Talent Hillary Hawkins.
The World Bank Voice Overs voiced by
International Female Voice Hillary Hawkins.
Need an international female voice?
International Female Voice Hillary Hawkins.
Need an international female voice?