#1 Sassy Little Black Girl - Character Voice Actor Hawkins
Character Voice Actor Hillary Hawkins is the voice over this piece of clothing. She uses an African American Accent, little girl childlike youthful tones & a splash of sass! 18+ to play younger female voice actor with home studio in the US.
#2 Bright Smart African American Child - Animation Voice Actress Hillary as Rachel
Sweet, articulate, youthful, energetic, upbeat high pitch voice with all American accent, portraying young African American girl in cartoon animated series Stop the Bleeding! The higher voice is Hill, little girl in purple/pink with the pigtails.
#3 African American Boy Voice - Kid Boy Voice performed by Animation Voice ACtor Hawkins
Animation Voice Actor Hillary Hawkins is the voice of a couple of the boys in the Metro Cartoons. Female as male voice actor, young adult as child character voice.
#4 Smart African American Boy Voice - Intelligent - Presidential - Cute Kid Boy Voice - American Accent
Mixed Race Voice, Female as male voice actor, sounds black, sounds white, sounds American, sounds like whatever the client would like him to be! 😊
If I were President Barack Obama: Little Hunter's Dream Narrator Hillary Hawkins.
If I were President Barack Obama: Little Hunter's Dream Narrator Hillary Hawkins.
#5 We thinK this star is Black! 😎
Real cool child rapper voice, political hip hop voice actor rapper Hawkins sounds like a little kid in this animated cartoon music video featuring a rapping star!
#6 Young Child Voice - African American Animation Character Voice - Serious Tone - Natural - Caring
Animation Voice Actor Hillary Hawkins is the voice of Kendra in this animated series. She has a young sounding childlike voice, soft, natural, real reads.
#7 Cool Black Kid Voice - African American Character Voice with slight Southern Drawl
Animation voice actor Hawkins is voice of the lead character in this cartoon / animation based in Georgia. Young voice, expressive, female as male voice actor.
Hillary Hawkins - a true kid at heart! 💖

Hillary Hawkins (former Host of Nick Jr. & Radio Disney) is an 18+ to play younger voice talent & actress based in Los Angeles, CA & NJ, USA. She enjoys working on cartoons / animation, commercials, video games, and projects that promote peace & love & laughter. She also previously worked in Child Protective Services (while still looking like a child herself...) and offers heartfelt compassionate reads for those serious discussions. She thanks God for every voiceover job and every opportunity to use her voice to help make the world a better place. She hopes you have a SUNNY day.