18+ To Play Younger Dramatic Performer Video 1:
Actors Anonymous hotline Serious Discussions: Secret Fairytale
Childlike performer Hillary Hawkins plays the dramatic role of Sunny is "Actors Anonymous Hotline: Serious Discussions". 18+ to play younger dramatic actress with brown skin, curly black hair in pigtails, white dress with yellow flowers on it, sitting on the bed with her teddy bears talking on the phone with Spiritual Winter.
18+ To Play Younger Dramatic Actress Video 2: Actors Anonymous Hotline: Serious DIscussions Little Girl Big GIrl Stuff
The 18+ to play younger actress in this dramatic episode of Actors Anonymous Hotline: Serious Discussions is actress writer producer Hillary Hawkins, a child like performer based in NJ, USA & Los Angeles, California USA work remotely with actors worldwide. Check out her blog on Transage performers and have a sunny day. ☀️♥️
18+ to play younger actor video 3
A pill for two
Winner best actress award
18+ to play teen / high school aged kid is award winning actress Hillary Hawkins, winner of Best Actress Award (drama) for "A Pill for Two" directed by Larry Rosen.

18+ to play younger dramatic actress and dramatic writer Hillary Hawkins is an award winning actress based in Southern California & the New York Metro Area (NJ) that creates her own content but is also available to perform in stage plays, TV Shows and movies by other creative artists that call for young talent. She is skilled in African American, Latin American, British, Caribbean, African Accents & more. Height 5'2''. Multilingual singer and female martial artist with a black belt in karate. She has a lot of talents to share with the world. When you are in need of an 18+ to play younger performer that can play little kid roles, little girl boys and even kid boy roles... CONTACT Hillary Hawkins.
Hillary Hawkins, your Go-To TV Child.
Former Host of Nick Jr. & Radio Disney.